My Healing Journey
Near the end of 2013 I heard about the DNRS instructional video program for a second time. Someone I knew from an online forum went to the program and got well. I saw her video! I was able to call and talk to her about it. She shared that DNRS was helping! She could leave the house and go places, and I knew she was housebound prior to the program due to Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS).
Before I could begin the program, I had to accept the possibility that the underlying cause of one or more of my health challenges was more than just food or something in my external environment. If a brain retraining program could fix this, that meant there was something amiss in my brain function. This was hard to face, but for the sake of my future and my daughters, I had to give the program a try. I also needed some scientific information. It wasn’t enough for me that this had worked for someone else. I needed to know why it worked, and I needed to know that it wasn’t based on philosophy or religious ideas that went against mine. I wanted to understand the science. Reading the following research based books from my local library helped me to understand the premise of the program, and gain clarity that this was indeed brain science:
* Change Your Brain, Change Your Life – Daniel G. Amen
* The Brain That Changes Itself – Norman Doidge
I humbly made the leap and ordered the DVD seminar. I didn’t know that the DNRS would help with all of my health issues. When I found the program, I was hoping it could help me overcome MCS, and maybe chronic pain…if I was lucky. I went through the DVDs the first week of January, 2014.
I began to notice changes right away. Within days of starting the program, I saw improvements in chronic pain and in chemical sensitivity. The first exceptionally positive experience I had after completing the DVD seminar was during a hike with my family later that month. It was a cold, clear day. We walked in the forest where the air was clean and fragrant with a hint of pine citrus. It felt great to be outside with everyone. Toward the top of the hill, the space between the pine trees was misty with a cloud hugging the side of the mountain. We came around a bend in the trail and were met with the most brilliant 360 degree sunbeam bursting forth from behind a tree. The sun lined up perfectly with the trunk so we could look straight at it. Sparkling gold and silver rays of light cut through the mistiness of the cloud, creating a stunning effect. Everyone was absorbed in it, and I found joy and awe in that moment. Something opened up inside of me as I felt the good feelings flood my heart. I could hope again!
I attended the in-person DNRS seminar in February of 2014, and it was a miraculous gift to be able to attend.

One month after beginning the DVD program, I attended the seminar with my dear friend Rebekah. I am full of hope!
One of my most precious breakthroughs after that was being able to hold my girls (then ages 5 and 7) on my lap. The pain in my body, and specifically my hips and back, had prevented this for about two years. Holding them was possible because of my improvements toward the end of February, and it absolutely melted my heart. I would cry happy tears when I held them. For my birthday in March, I asked for a rocking chair so I could rock them. What a special and meaningful gift I received that day: the ability to soothe and comfort little souls. I cannot explain how touching and redeeming this was… a buying back of something that I thought was lost. This ability overflowed my heart with gratitude.
Another defining moment was returning to church in March. I am amazed to think back and remind myself of the fact that this was my ultimate goal of doing DNRS. I thought being healed meant I could go to church and my daughters’ ballet recital. But, oh there was so much more good in store for me! That was just the beginning.
In the spring, my textile sensitivity vanished. One day, I wore an entire polyester jogging suit and instead of having any skin issues, I got heartburn. This was one of my biggest ah-has! Could my digestive symptoms be related to my brain function?! Unbelievable! I wanted to laugh and cry. It took about two months to puzzle over this and wrap my brain around it. I read testimonials from other DNRS participants who were overcoming their food sensitivities. I read Bruce Lipton’s book about epigenetics. I started to believe it was possible.

Here I am with my daughters at their ballet recital. Sweet victory indeed!
By May of 2014, I was essentially healed of MCS and textile sensitivity. The joy I experienced when I could go places, especially with my daughters, was the best reward for the work I put into the program!
As a child, I tested allergic to cats and went through two rounds of allergy shots without seeing much difference. In college, I spent the night at an apartment with an indoor cat and woke in the night with intense asthma. With DNRS, I was able to downregulate my cat allergy. I can now pet a cat and experience no reaction and I have since slept in a cat’s room at a friend’s house without incident. There must be something brain mediated about true allergies or there would be no logical explanation for this. I was encouraged even more in the food department by this amazing phenomenon.

Our family trip to the wilderness included a 3 mile hike into camp. I felt stronger and more relaxed than ever.

We joined my extended family for a get together at my parents’ house. It was wonderful to be together!
I continued to work hard to implement the program daily and by the spring of 2015 I was living a normal life! These are two family photos we had taken in April of 2015.
It was time to celebrate my return to full health! It was also time to take a well earned family vacation!!! San Diego was an ideal place to go since my husband’s work sent him there. It included a plane flight, staying in a hotel, a rental car, and eating out. We also did theme parks, the beach, and meals in the homes of college friends. I felt like I was in heaven…tears of gratitude sprung up every single day of that trip.

Yes! I did it!!!

Ready to dig in!
A recent highlight and huge milestone was eating a Red Robin Mountain High Mudd Pie with my friend Rebekah (pictured above with me at the in-person seminar). This was something we had imagined together and it was amazing to make this dream come true!

Here we are in the theater after the show.

This photo says it all. The trip was exactly what I wished for!
I am incredibly grateful for how my heart and life have changed because of DNRS and how it has impacted my family. My daughters improved along with me and they are thriving, healthy and well. A special thank you to Annie for creating this program, my DNRS Coach who guided me along the way, and all the DNRS workers behind the scenes. Thank you to my extended family and friends who helped while I was not well, especially my mom. Thank you Amber for telling me about the program and encouraging me to work on food, Rebekah for attending the seminar with me and getting together to practice, and Shawna for being my faithful phone partner almost daily for 11 months. Thanks to my daughters for your daily patience while I recovered. Even bigger thanks to my husband, Matt. You are a consistent encouragement and you never once complained about the load you carried. You were gracious in my time of need and sacrificed a great deal to serve me and the girls. You supported my recovery 100%, and I am honored to be able to give life and love back to you.
With all my heart,